4BH Brisbane - then Magic 882 - now Macquarie Sports Radio

4BH Brisbane - then Magic 882 - now Macquarie Sports Radio
4BH Brisbane commenced transmission on 2
January 1932. It was re-branded Magic 882 in 2014.
It was one of three Brisbane stations to broadcast
the Queensland Radio News Service from its
inauguration on 6 January 1947.

Queensland Radio News Service commences 6 January 1947

The Courier-Mail Monday 
6 January 1947

Listen To This News From To-day
THIS morning the Queensland Radio News Service goes on the air.

This is a new service, com
piled from the world-wide news sources of The Courier-Mail. 

All commercial radio stations in Brisbane and 4IP (Ipswich) will inaugurate it to-day at 7.45 a.m. 

Next Monday country commercial stations as far north as Cairns and in Toowoomba will join the hook-up. Queensland Radio News Service broadcasting times over 4BK-AK, 4BC-SB 4BH and 4IP will be:-

WEEK-DAYS: 7.45 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 7 p.m., 10 p.m. 

SUNDAYS: 8.45 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 7 p.m., 10 p.m. 

An experienced staff of Queensland journalists will collate and edit for the air an up-to-the-minute cover of overseas, interstate, and Queensland news.

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